Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vocabulary "Word Collector"

I am a huge fan of the Daily 5 and Daily CAFE!  I am going to see the sisters in Chicago in April and I can't wait!!!  I am going to be like a 12 year old at a Taylor Swift concert!  They have really changed the way I teach.  I started implementing their practices in my room two years ago and I am loving it!  I wonder how I ever survived before the Daily 5.  

A couple months ago I was on the Daily Cafe website and came across the idea of a "Word Collector"  and thought is sounded brilliant.  I decided to try it out in my room and I am so happy I did.  I use the "Word Collector" whenever we find interesting words during class read-alouds.  The kids love picking out interesting vocabulary and helping me place them on the collector.  It is amazing how this little tool has helped.  The kids use these interesting words in our daily class discussions, in their writing, and during word work and work on writing.  

I couldn't just throw letters on a chart and stick it on the wall.  I had to make it eye appealing, so you can see what I came up with below.  I am happy with it.  Of course, the awful iphone photo doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea.  Do any of you use a "Word Collector" or something similar in your rooms?  I would love to hear your ideas!  If you think you might want the materials to make your own, I have placed this in my TPT store.  Good night all!

By the way, still waiting on that snow day!


  1. Your blog is adorable! Thanks for following! I am now following you!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  2. Great idea! Vocabulary integration is so important and I like your display for word collector. Daily 5 and Cafe look like fabulous resources...I need to order them right this minute!!!

    1. I LOVE Daily 5 and CAFE!!! You really need to get the books and read up. You won't regret it:) Thanks for following me. Going to head over to your blog now and give you a new follower! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

      Amanda Bryant
