Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Year of Billy Miller Ultimate Resource Pack

One of my most favorite creations is the resource pack I created to accompany The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  Last year it was selected as one of the stories for the Global Read Aloud and this year The Year of Billy Miller has been selected.  I just knew I had to create another resource pack for this story!  First of all, I LOVE anything written by Kevin Henkes!  Not to mention, the story is pretty darn great!  So I did it!  I created 119 pages of awesome resources to accompany you during your reading of The Year of Billy Miller.  If you are participating in the Global Read Aloud, you don't want to miss grabbing this pack!

This ultimate resource pack includes so many resources for you to pull from and use in your classroom and story discussions.

There are so many graphic organizers and activities to choose from!



Retelling and Reflection Opportunities

The vocabulary section includes 120 words and three different types of activities.

Children can make their own Billy Miller inspired assemblages.

There is really so much more than I can showcase in this blog post.

I hope this can be a useful and helpful tool in your classroom if The Year of Billy Miller happens to be one of your chosen read-alouds.  Keep on inspiring!